Royalty Official Home Page

How To Play


Get a low time by winning as quickly as possible.

How to Win
Form four complete same-suit stacks, ace through king.

The Playing Field

Source Piles
When you start a game, you are dealt six facedown piles of cards with six cards each. You can only see the topmost card, but once you move this card and place it elsewhere, the next card on the pile will automatically flip over.

Build Piles
You also have six build piles, which start out empty. The build piles are where you start making stacks of same-suit consecutive cards. You can place any card or stack of cards on an empty build pile. You can also add to a stack on a build pile, by putting a card or another stack on top of it.

Royalty Piles
Two more areas of the playing field accept stacks: the royalty piles. A royalty pile is just like a build pile, except that it is elitist -- it will only accept royalty (face cards). Thus, the most cards a royalty pile will ever hold is a stack of Jack, Queen, and King of one suit.

The Hand
After the source piles have been dealt, the sixteen remaining cards of the deck are placed in your "hand." Any card in the hand is available to you at any time.

Special Royalty Rules

Royalty Piles
As we mentioned above, there are places royalty can go that mere numbers cannot.

Royal Privilege
Once you empty a source pile, you cannot use it as a build pile. However, a single royalty card may be placed on an empty source pile. Call it a privilege of the upper class.

Now go for it!

Last updated 7.19.2019
© 1997-2007 Zach Bardon and Kevin Baba